Welcome to Ransomware.live, your trusted free resource for comprehensive information and updates on the ever-evolving landscape of ransomware. In a digital world where cyber threats are increasingly sophisticated and pervasive, Ransomware.live serves as your go-to platform for the latest insights, analysis, and news related to ransomware attacks, trends, and defense strategies.
Our mission is to empower individuals, businesses, and cybersecurity professionals with accurate and timely information to better understand the threats posed by ransomware and how to protect against them. We provide detailed reports on the latest ransomware variants, analysis of high-profile attacks, and practical advice on prevention, detection, and recovery.
Our extensive database is populated through our proprietary web scraping technology, enhanced by artificial intelligence, and enriched with expert intelligence from Valéry Rieß-Marchive.
WARNING: Contents within ransomware.live, victims.json, groups.json are dynamically generated based on hosting choices of real-world threat actors in near-real-time. Whilst sanitisation efforts have been taken, by viewing or accessing ransomwatch you acknowledge you are doing so at your own risk.
So far, Ransomware.live has indexed 18250 victims from 240 ransomware groups. The database also contains 1861 cyberattacks published in the press.
Today, Ransomware.live has 45 active parsers for 123 Ransomware group sites available.
I'm Julien Mousqueton
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I'm currently open to job offers and excited to explore new opportunities. Don't hesitate to get in touch.
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An API is available for ransomware.live's data. You can find more information about it here.
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Sudesh Yalavarthi has developed a connector for OpenCTI using the `Ransomware.live` API to import ransomware activities into OpenCTI from Filigran.
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