5 cyberattacks published in the press for Finland

This information is provided by Valery Marchive

This page lists all the cyberattacks referenced by Valéry Marchive for Finland.
Valéry is a French journalist and cybersecurity expert known for his deep investigations into cybercrime, particularly ransomware attacks. He co-founded LeMagIT a French IT publication
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Discovery Date: 2024-10-18
Estimated Attack Date: 2024-10-11

Another Smartwatch Company Hacked - channelnews

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City of Helsinki

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Discovery Date: 2024-05-15
Estimated Attack Date: 2024-04-30

City of Helsinki suffered a data breach

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Discovery Date: 2024-03-25
Estimated Attack Date: 2024-02-20

HKScan targeted in cybersecurity attack | WATTPoultry.com

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Etelä-Savon ammattiopisto Esedu

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Discovery Date:
Estimated Attack Date: 2023-11-16

Verkkohyökkäys haittaa opetusta Etelä-Savon ammattiopistossa - verkko-opintoja ei pysty tekemään lainkaan

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Discovery Date:
Estimated Attack Date: 2023-08-28

Hakkeroidulta Tena-kuljetusyhtiöltä on voitu varastaa kymmenientuhansien ihmisten tietoja – yhtiö arvioi aluksi määräksi jopa 100 000