Hello and welcome to Hive.
How may I help you?
2021-10-05 12:18
yo son of bitches
2021-10-05 12:18
pivot a lot of machines for you to make the ransom first that I
2021-10-05 12:19
can u suck my dick ?
2021-10-05 12:19
We have 1.8 TB of exfiltrated files.
Stop talking shit otherwise I'll disclose them
2021-10-05 18:03
I am not sure who sent that message prior
2021-10-05 18:42
How much do you want for the decryption?
2021-10-05 18:43
The individual who sent the prior message, I believe was a user, following the guide on how to chat. They do not represent or speak for the company.
2021-10-05 18:52
To decrypt your files and prevent them to be disclosed you will need to pay $1,200,000.
2021-10-05 21:50
The price is not a subject to discuss.
2021-10-05 21:50
Unfortunately Supreme lacks anywhere near that we will have to go out of business.
2021-10-05 22:15
Is the price at all negotiable? It would take us a long time to get that much
2021-10-05 23:01
The price isn't negotiable. I'll wait, there is no hurry
2021-10-05 23:12
Okay we will have to talk to the bank, do I reconnect to this console?
2021-10-05 23:14
reconnect for what?
2021-10-05 23:14
Same link to come to this portal here
2021-10-05 23:19
We need more time for this amount of money, we have a meeting Monday with the Board of Directors. Please give us time.
2021-10-08 02:43
This information is provided by Valéry Marchive