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Sites | Activity | Victims (8)


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None 🔴 2024-07-22 23:51:30.595716 62brsjf2w77ihz5paods33cdgqnon54gjns5nmag3hmqv6fcwamtkmad.onion N/A

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8 Victims

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Discovery Date: 2024-06-24 22:23

Sector: Construction
Com duas décadas de atuação em obras de pavimentação, saneamento, asfalto e terraplenagem, a Concisa Obras de Infraestrutura tornou-se referência no sul do Brasil pela qualidade dos serviços e pela transparência com que conduz seus negócios nos segmentos público e privado. Zoominfo: https://www.zoominfo.com/c/concisa-todos/562608830[redacted] CEO: Danilo ConteOffice Main Phone: (49) 3323-9591 DATA SIZE: 30GB CEO PERSONAL DOCUMENT:

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Discovery Date: 2024-05-30 23:42

Sector: Construction
Indigo ENT Group is a company that operates in the Hospital & Health Care industry. The company is headquartered in Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada. Zoominfo: https://www.zoominfo.com/c/indigo-ent-group/448092524[redacted] Office Main Phone: 604-941-8474 Email: coquitlam@indigoent.ca Doctors: Dr. Dewji, Dr. Gooi, Dr. Mah In the past few weeks, our group has been operating within the network of Indigo EST, stealing thousands of personal, confidential, and PHI, & PII data of patients. This is the first warning. Samples:

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Discovery Date: 2024-04-29 05:14
Estimated Attack Date: 2024-04-26

Sector: Healthcare
No Hospital Escultural, acreditamos que cada mulher é uma obra-prima em potencial, esperando para ser revelada em toda sua glória. Liderados pelos renomados Dr. Eder Damacena e Dr. Eisenhower Damascena, nós nos especializamos em um espectro abrangente de procedimentos cirúrgicos e não-cirúrgicos, sempre com um toque de arte e um compromisso absoluto com a autenticidade. Hospital Escultural is a Brazilian hospital specializing in plastic surgery. CEO: Dr. Eisenhower Fonseca Damascena Business email: contato@hospitalescultural.com.brPhone: + 55 (62) 3225-2012 Data volume: 50 GB Data description: DATA WILL BE AVAILABLE SOON.CONTACT US BEFORE IS TOO LATE

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Discovery Date: 2024-04-25 00:17
Estimated Attack Date: 2024-04-24

Sector: Healthcare
We are a medical clinic specialized in male sexual health care, focusing on the treatment of erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and andropause. Message to all men with sexual problems who are Hominem patients: THIS CLINIC DOES NOT PROTECT YOUR DATA AND YOUR PRIVACY, AND SOON EVERYONE WILL KNOW ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS. In the past month, numerous attempts at contact were made, resulting in a total of zero responses and significant negligence on the part of the clinic’s staff. If silence persists, soon all friends and family of the patients will discover their sexual problems. CEO: Dr. Bruno Salomão Business email: atendimento@hominemclinic.com.brMobile Phone: : (31) 99351-4715 Data volume: 5 GB Data description:

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Discovery Date: 2024-04-24 00:10
Estimated Attack Date: 2024-04-23

Sector: Healthcare
Yes, another outlaw plastic surgeon, who does not protect his patients’ privacy safely.Dr. Willian, if you care about your patients’ data and privacy, stop driving your Mustang around like a negligent doctor and avoid remaining silent. O Dr. Willian atua como Cirurgião Plástico em Passo Fundo, Frederico Westphalen e Serafina Corrêa dedicando-se as áreas de Cirurgia Estética, Reconstrutora e Implante capilar. Dr. Willian works as a Plastic Surgeon in Passo Fundo, Frederico Westphalen and Serafina Corrêa, dedicating himself to the areas of Aesthetic, Reconstructive Surgery and Hair Implants. Sua titulação é reconhecida pela Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica (SBCP), Associação Médica Brasileira (AMB) ,Conselho Federal de Medicina. (CRM) e Associação Brasileira de Cirurgia da Restauração Capilar ( ABCRC ). CEO: Willian Segallin Business email: contato@drwilliansegalin.com.brMobile Phone: : +5554999200030 Data volume: 20 GB Data description: DATA WILL BE PUBLISHED SOON

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Discovery Date: 2024-04-23 02:00
Estimated Attack Date: 2024-04-22

Sector: Healthcare
Dr. Andrea Rechia is another Brazilian plastic surgeon who doesn’t care about the data and privacy of her patients. Numerous attempts were made to contact her; however, she chose to remain silent instead of protecting her patients’ privacy. Somos uma Clínica de Cirurgia Plástica com 15 anos de experiência e atuação na Região Central do Estado. Focamos no atendimento de qualidade, proporcionando o bem-estar e a melhora da auto-estima através do compromisso com a segurança e a qualidade de nosso trabalho. CEO: Dr. Andrea Rechia Business email: clinicarechia@outlook.comMobile Phone: WhatsApp: + 55 (51) 9 9812-1314 Data volume: 30 GB Data description: 2GB OF SAMPLES: https://mega.nz/folder/V*********[redacted]

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Discovery Date: 2024-04-22 04:37
Estimated Attack Date: 2024-04-19

Sector: Retail
A Rosalvo Automóveis foi fundada em 1988 com o objetivo de revolucionar o conceito de comercialização de veículos semi-novos. Data Available Soon

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Discovery Date: 2024-04-22 04:36
Estimated Attack Date: 2024-04-19

Sector: Healthcare
If you are a patient of Dr. Lincoln Graça Neto, you should know that he doesn’t care about your data and your privacy. O consultório fica localizado na cidade de Curitiba no Batel, bairro nobre da capital paranaense, de fácil acesso e com moderna e agradável estrutura física. Possui ampla sala de espera, sala de consulta médica, duas salas de exame, estúdio fotográfico e administração. Para sua comodidade possuímos também convênio com o estacionamento ao lado. Dr. Lincoln is a Brazilian clinic specializing in plastic surgery CEO: Dr. Lincoln Graça Neto Business email: contato@drlincoln.com.brMobile Phone:+55 41 99994 2479 Data volume: 9 GB Data description: Download: https://mega.nz/folder/9*********[redacted]